About me

Reading has been one of my passions since I can remember. I used to be one of those children that infuriated her parents as they would find my 10-year-old self reading at three in the morning. Lucky me, this wasn’t such a bad of a habit and I would get away only losing my book and my lantern (to read under the sheets – obviously).

As I grew older, too many things came up in the middle of this love of mine. School, sports, college, parties, my growing passion for travelling, a master thesis, and the start of my professional career in Digital Marketing.

It wasn’t until 2022 that I really challenged and made myself get this habit back (you can read more about it in this blog post).

book pool and view

Now, I’m the happiest taking my books and my e-reader with me to all the places I’m so lucky to travel to. It is also in these trips that an addiction of mine pops up: buying books and enlarging my TBR (To Be Read).

During these travels I’ve started the habit of buying a book, ideally from a local author, as a souvenir to myself.

With beaplustriz I have the goal to share my biggest passions – reading and travelling, and help you do both in the most organized way (as I’m also a freak for planning and organization).

I hope you enjoy joining me through all the adventures to come and remembering all the experiences already lived.